Rendered in rich tones of ocean blue and tropical green, wallpaper is inspired by the exclusive resort featured in HBO's The White Lotus. Made with materials certified sustainable by the Forest Stewardship Council ® , the wallpaper features the fictional resort's iconic lotus flower logo as a subtle nod to the Emmy Award-winning series. CB2 exclusive.
Lotus Wallpaper - The White Lotus13.5"HheightMeasurements are in inches.
Created in collaboration with HBO's The White Lotus
A single roll comprises two panels: 120" in length, each 27" wide
Coated fibrous parchment certified sustainable by the Forest Stewardship Council ® -Paste-the-wall wallpaper; adhesive not included
Wall coverage per roll: 5 square yards
Matte finish
Clay-coated paper for superior opacity and stripability
Suitable for residential and low-traffic commercial use
Pattern repeat: Mural; straight match
Trim panels to required length
Ceiling height must be under 120" to use this product
Please note: Wallpaper rolls are not eligible for return due to the unique printing process